Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cons of The Death Penalty

We do not believe the death penalty should be legalized. It is a inhumane and heartrending practice to punish a person for a crime by taking their life away. According to U.S. Senator Russ Feingold, he opposes the death penalty “because it is inconsistent with basic American principles of justice, liberty, and equality”. The death penalty is inhumane and it should not be allowed in a country that was founded on those following principles. The death penalty puts forth another murder when they should be showing society that the killing of people is wrong. If we kill those who kill, what example does that show? As Jesuit John Dear of the Society of Jesus puts it, “we kill those who kill to show that killing is wrong. If we really believed that killing was wrong, the state would set an example, official killing would be banished”. If we execute those who have murdered others, it would not bring the lives of those victims back. There are endless sentences that could be put forth instead of the death penalty. If those who support the death penalty do so because they fear the suspect will be free again, why not agree to a sentence of life imprisonment without parole? What if the supposed suspect is Innocent and is executed due to a death sentence? There is no way you can take back that mistake, a mistake you cannot fix once done. The execution of a murderer brings back the principle of an “Eye for an Eye” in which the great Ghandi once stated, “an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind”.   

1 comment:

  1. What's strong here is the consistency of your moral/philosophical argument. But you're breaking the basic argument down into several points which would be clearer if they were in separate paragraphs. Break this down and it will be stronger.

    Pause clearly between the paragraphs when you read it to class, too!
