Sunday, September 19, 2010

Response to "Remarks by President Obama"

As a student, I think I carry out a lot of responsibilities. One important responsibility that stands out is how I complete and handle the work that is assigned to me from teachers, and eventually professors.  As a student, I think that i am mainly reponsible for completing all, not just some, of the work assigned to me as hard and as much as possible. 

My goals for my education are very important. One of them is to graduate from college. By attending Alameda Science and Technology Institute, I think that I am making that goal a lot more easier, accomplishable, and easier to reach. By graduating from college, my life would also look set: I will be able to net a high-paying job and possibly a better life than if i never attended college. 

In his remarks, President Barack Obama also talks about people who once in their lives were failures. This list included people like Michael Jordan and J.K. Rowling. When you put these two people in the same sentence as the word "failure", it might be a little startling at first. When Michael Jordan tried out for his local high school's basketball team, he was rejected any role on the team. But that didn't stop him at all. He eventually led the Chicago Bulls to six titles all mainly due to his efforts. J.K. Rowling was living on welfare and when she tried to publish her first Harry Potter book, she was rejected by 12 publishers. She is now a billionaire and is currently at the number of 7 Harry Potter books. Even though once in their lives they were failures, that did not bring them back but instead they used it as motivation.

I can relate to this. A time in my life where i struggled was in my writing one class with Mrs. Corbally here at Alameda Science and Technology Institute. Every once and a while we work and prepare for essays. In my first essays, i received D's and these D's weren't high D's but they were really close to F D's. By experiencing these failures, I was able to take advantage of them and learn from them. After that, i started to realize that failing isn't really bad at all.

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