Friday, November 12, 2010

My Future?

At right about this time in high school, I should be thinking about my future and what I want to be. I should be having thoughts on what jobs I want to have, what fields I want take my path towards, and I should by now have ALREADY nailed what I want to major in. But right now…I’m not even close to knowing how to answer even one of these questions.

I get really disappointed when we have to fill in questionnaires asking us what we want to major in and what we want to do when we grow up. It disappoints me that some people have their mind made up as kids on what they want to be and I’m here ready to take college classes, not knowing what I want to do. A point to where it got depressing was last year in which the whole school dressed up in business-like clothing as if we were to attend a business meeting. The whole day was dedicated to the topic of our future and what we want to do when we grow up. We started off the day with name tags and what we had to do was write our names on the sticker and next to it, what we wanted to do when we grew up. Next to my name was a question mark.

Sometimes, I just sit down in bed and think, what do I want to do? What am I good at? What do I like to do? It hasn’t really been a problem answering these questions but putting them together and finding out what I want to do in my life have always been a problem. When the question arises “What are you going to be when I grow up”, my mind goes completely blank.

I don’t necessarily have a mindset that is telling me that I am going to be a failure when I grow up. A lot of people have told me that I have a lot of potential to do great things and succeed in life. But finding that occupation that is going to lead to these great things and success at the moment is becoming hard to find…

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