Friday, November 12, 2010

"What I Want To Be When I Grow Up" - Response

Going through Google Reader, I was able to find a quote from Ruby Rew’s blog post about her ambitions to learn and teach art:
“I was asked once, “Would you rather be poor with the job you love, or be rich with a job you hate?” It was something I had a hard time deciding, and to this day I still don't have my answer. With a job you love, you have the motivation to wake up in the morning and get to work. You don't stress too much on how much money you make because you have an intense devotion to what you're doing with your life. But with a job you loathe, what drives you to keep doing it? Everyday of you wake up and hate your life. Nobody ever sees you happy because...well, you aren't happy! Yeah, your bills are paid, but what then?”
Like Ruby, this question always arises on my mind. Do I want a job that I’ll love going to but make not too much money out of it? Or do I want a job that brings the money home but develop stress in the process of doing so? So what would I do?

The answer would be pretty easy for me and that would be to get a job that I enjoy going to and love what I am doing. Going to a job I don’t like is really stressful knowing you hate what you’ll be doing that day. Eventually this can get really depressing and some people even commit suicide which is really sad.

A job is a HUGE part of someone’s life and most of our time is going to be at this job. Choosing a job making a lot of money will allow me to buy more stuff to make me happy but being at the job itself wouldn’t be worthwhile and is where I’ll be most of the time and maybe life. So even though the job will bring in money which I can use to buy stuff or go on vacations, it’s the jobs that determine the outcomes of our day.

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